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The Benefits of Strategic Editorial Planning

Content Strategy

Editorial topic planning can be very helpful and useful in order to create meaningful content.

As part of the Master's program "Content Strategy" at the FH Joanneum, students learn how to develop and implement a successful content strategy. An important component of this strategy is Strategic Editorial Planning, which focuses on the planning and organization of editorial content. In the course "Editorial and Topic Planning," taught by Mirko Lange, students receive an introduction to this topic and learn how to plan and optimize their content specifically.

This article focuses exclusively on the advantages of strategic editorial planning, demonstrating how a targeted approach to planning and publishing content can lead to increased effectiveness and success in marketing. Let's dig into the topic!

Coherence And Consistency: The Benefits of A Planned And Coordinated Campaign

A key benefit of strategic editorial planning is that it helps you plan your content in advance and ensure that it is aligned. For example, if you are planning a content marketing campaign, an editorial plan can help you ensure that all your content is aligned with the theme of the campaign and provides a coherent overall picture. It also allows you to ensure that your content is published regularly and consistently, which is important to engage your target audience and increase your reach.

Targeting: A Better Understanding and Audience Targeting

Another benefit of strategic editorial planning is that it helps you better understand your goals and target audiences. By creating an editorial plan, you can target your content to your audience and ensure that it appeals to their interests and needs. You can also better define your goals and work towards achieving them through your content.

Diversity: Importance of Publishing Content on Different Platforms and Formats

Through strategic editorial planning, you can also ensure that your content is published on different platforms and in different formats. This can help increase your reach and engage your audience on different channels. For example, you can create blog articles, videos, infographics, and social media posts and make sure they are all part of your campaign and present a unified picture.

Increase Reach: How A Strategic Editorial Planning Can Help

Overall, strategic editorial planning offers many benefits that can help optimize your marketing strategy and strengthen your brand. By planning your content specifically and tailoring it to your target audience, you can increase your reach, generate more traffic to your website and ultimately improve your conversion rates.

Improve Conversion Rates: Improve Conversion Rates With Targeted And Consistent Content

Through strategic editorial planning, you can also target the needs and interests of your audience and create content that engages and excites them. By publishing your content on different platforms and in different formats, you can better reach your target group and increase your reach.

Increased reach can also lead to an improvement in your conversion rates. If more people become aware of your content, you have a higher chance of convincing them of your product or service. By publishing your content in a targeted and consistent way, you can further improve your conversion rates and increase the success of your marketing strategy in the long run.


Implementing a strategic editorial plan is a fundamental component of a thriving marketing strategy. It enables you to effectively organize your content, refine your campaigns, and ultimately solidify your brand's identity. Through purposeful and consistent publication of your content, you can significantly expand your audience reach, increase website traffic, and enhance conversion rates. Thus, if you do not currently have an editorial plan, it is highly recommended to begin developing one to propel your marketing strategy to the next level.


Where to go from here #

Read more here: Tell me how much you care! The art of editorial and topic planning

References #

Halvorson, K. & Rach, M. (2012). Content Strategy for the Web. New Riders.

Hilker, C. (2017). Content Marketing in der Praxis: Ein Leitfaden - Strategie, Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele für B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen. Springer-Verlag.

Blokdyk, G. (2018). Editorial Planning a Complete Guide. 5starcooks.


The lecture was part of the winter semester 2022/23, and the article was reviewed by Mirko Lange.